Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death1 among American Indians and Alaska Natives.

In addition, lung cancer is more prevalent2 among American Indians/Alaska Natives who live in the Northern and Southern plains, compared to non-Hispanic White people.

Smoking causes most lung cancers, along with secondhand smoke, asbestos, and radon gas exposure. People who worked in uranium mines3 are also at risk of lung cancer.

Smoking can not only cause cancer, but it can also be prohibitive4 in allowing your body to fight cancer. Cancer may also start in the lungs and then spread to other areas of the body.

Lung cancer
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A Higher Risk for Cancer

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In most U.S. regions, American Indians and Alaska Natives are more likely7 than White people to get the following cancers:






Female Breast

Additionally, Native American men are diagnosed with cancer at higher rates than Native American women.

23 more likely
129 more likely

Native American men are 23% more likely to have lung cancer and 129% more likely to have liver cancer than Native American women.
Source: CDC7

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Smoking Doesn’t Only Cause Lung Cancer

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Exposure to commercial tobacco smoke is associated with 126 cancer types, including the following:

Tobacco Use
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