Easier to Start = Harder to Quit

Flavored tobacco refers to tobacco products infused with various flavors, such as fruit, menthol, or spices. These flavors are added to enhance taste and make smoke or aerosol seem less irritating – especially for people who have never previously used1 tobacco.

Flavored tobacco – including menthol – masks the harshness of commercial tobacco. Menthol also increases the addictive effects2 of nicotine on the brain.

Flavored tobacco can be found in cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco products.

79 percent middle and high school

Among middle and high school students who report using tobacco,
an average of 79.1% use flavored tobacco products
Source: CDC

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Influencing Our Young People

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Flavored tobacco has captured the youth market. Among middle and high school students who report using tobacco, an average of 79.1%3 use flavored tobacco products, including menthol.4

Some youth believe menthol cigarettes are safer to use5 and that they are easier to smoke than non-menthol cigarettes. Menthol also creates a cooling sensation in the throat, making smoke more comfortable to inhale.

Flavored products4 can lead to increased initiation, nicotine addiction, and less success with smoking cessation programs. Menthol is particularly dangerous, as it can impact the way the brain interprets sensations1 – including taste and pain.

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Targeting American Indians & Other Minority Groups

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American Indians are among the populations that are targeted6 by tobacco companies through bespoke advertisements, sponsorships, discounts, and promotions. These campaigns encompass menthol and other flavored tobacco products.

An investigation7 by the Congressional Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy found that Juul Labs8 targeted eight Tribes9 by offering discounted starter kits for a “switching” program – marketed as a cessation program. The Tribes were to then distribute the kits to their communities for free. In the end, Juul ended its program in 2019 and no deals were solidified with the Tribes.

As tobacco companies continue to target American Indians and other populations, tobacco consumption and addiction6 continue to rise. And menthol use6 remains higher in communities targeted with menthol marketing.

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